Join Achilles Network Member Level for free
Achilles Network Member level offers full visibility for free. The registration process is straightforward offering a simple questionnaire which enables you to work with new buyers regardless of the industry or location they operate in.
Whether you are an existing MyAchilles user or brand new to MyAchilles , it shouldn’t take longer than 10 minutes to sign up.
Add the Achilles Network to your existing MyAchilles account
If you are already a member of MyAchilles you can add the network yourself to your account. You can do this by:
- Logging into to your account
- Going to the ‘Settings Cog’ in the main menu – and to ‘Manage Subscriptions’
- When in the Manage Subscriptions page click on the button ‘Add Network’
- Select the sector name ‘Global’ to add the Achilles Network
- Select your Achilles Network commodity codes
- Click update, you will see that the Achilles Network has been added to your account
- Press continue and then agree the Terms and Conditions
- Go back into your account (dashboard) and go to the questionnaire to update the Product and Service Codes and any other required information (note data will be pre- populated when you have an existing account with MyAchilles already)
- Ensure all data is completed and updated, if any data is outstanding the submit button will not be activated and you will not be able to submit for validation.
- Once submitted, your details will be validated and within 48 hours you will be published and visible to buyers in multiple sectors and locations.
New to MyAchilles – Sign up to the Achilles Network
If you are brand new to MyAchilles and would like to join yourself please follow the step by step guide below:
- Go to the form [Achilles] and complete to receive an Achilles Network email invitation
- Click on the link in the email invitation to activate your account and complete your registration details
- Once in the subscriptions page, you will see Achilles Network ‘Global’ community is already added to your subscription
- Next, select your Achilles Network codes, please note no classification is required at Achilles Network Member level
- Accept Terms and Conditions
- There is no payment required when adding only the Achilles Network – it is free
- Go back into your account (dashboard) and go to the questionnaire to update the ‘Product and Service Codes’ and ‘Company Information’
- Ensure all data is completed and updated, if any data is outstanding the submit button will not be activated and you will not be able to submit for validation.
- Once submitted, your details will be validated and within 48 hours you will be published and visible to buyers in multiple sectors and locations.
Achilles Network Member Level Questionnaire
The shortened questionnaire collects a small amount of data in comparison to other levels, which includes ‘Company Information’, ‘Product and Service Codes ‘ and ‘Contact Details’. You must complete the Questionnaire, and submit and pass validation. On Member level, only the Company Number is validated, so your profile is published quickly.
You can check on the status of your Questionnaire on the Supplier Profile (see separate section on Supplier Profile). The Questionnaire is valid for 12 months from date of publication; you will receive notifications via the Dashboard and email when updates are due.