Suppliers: Questionnaire FAQ’s

What are the permitted files for upload?

Uploaded files must be in PDF format and no larger than 20MB

I can see an excel file, but I am unable to upload an excel file?

For security reasons, we only accept PDF files in the MyAchilles platform.  However, if your profile in the legacy system compared an excel file, we have migrated that data, so that buyers can see that with your profile

What information are you looking for regarding ‘customer’ in the Customer Existence/Key Company Information section?

Please provide some examples of recent customers (ideally within the last three years) who Buyers might be able to contact to reference your work

How many years of data are required for the HSE performance metrics?

Please enter the three most recent years of data that you have available

I can see ‘unlinked’ in the address field.  What does that mean?

This means that you have not associated this question with any of the addresses we have stored.   You must attach a valid stored address in order to submit the questionnaire.

What makes a good contract reference?

A good contract reference usually includes something timebound (a defined scope of work) delivered relatively recently (ideally within the last three years) that demonstrates your delivery across one or more of the products and services that you have subscribed to.

How are product and service codes used?

Making sure your select the product and services that you supply is key to a successful profile.  You should only need to enter these details once when you onboard for the first time.  They are then maintained in the questionnaire.    The codes you select will appear in different parts of the questionnaire and you will have opportunity to associate one, some or all of your codes with specific responses you provide.   Buyers frequently use product and service codes to identify potential suppliers, so it is essential that you keep them up to date and accurate.

I see a bell icon in the Questionnaire Menu.  What does that mean?

This means that one of the dates you have provided is either within 14 days of expiring or has just expired.   You will need to update the field with an updated expiry date and any associated uploaded documentation.

How long will it take to complete the questionnaire?

If you have the required information to hand, it should only take 2 or 3 hours. You can refer to our community quick start guides to see what information you’ll need and start preparing. You’ll find this guide in the ‘resources and help’ section on your community page. If you need any help, feel free to contact your Account Manager.

Am I Visible to my Buyer?

As a supplier registering with Achilles your primary concern is likely to be that you are fully visible to your buyer (as well as other potential customers) and that your profile is as strong as it can be.

Some suppliers think that simply registering with Achilles and receiving their Achilles ID number is sufficient, however, there are further steps to take to ensure that you’re getting the most from your subscription.Confirm your questionnaire is published and up-to-date and no documents are expired. 

How often do we have to update our information?

Your information is only useful to buyers if it’s up to date.

To help you stay on , we’ll contact you whenever any of your certifications are about to expire. Likewise, if there are any new questions buyers need answers to, we’ll alert you. You’ll also receive an annual reminder to review your information, though if something important changes it’s best to edit your profile straight away.

How do I edit my contact details? 

Where can we find our stamps and certificates?

Once you’ve been validated and your profile has been published, you’ll be able to download your certificates and stamps from the platform homepage. We can also email you a copy of them.


Updated on 31st January 2023

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