Buyer: Dashboard

This is your landing page in MyAchilles, a central access point for Notifications and data about your Supplier network(s). You can return to the Dashboard at any time by clicking on the red Achilles ‘A’ icon in the header bar.

On the ‘Dashboard’ you will find the following modules.


If you have chosen to follow either individual Suppliers or Commodity Codes, you will see the resulting Notifications here. See separate Search section of the User Guide for information on how to set these up. Notifications are triggered when:

  • Followed Suppliers’ Questionnaires are republished or expire.
  • There is a new Supplier of followed Commodity Codes, or a Supplier ceases to provide them.
  • There is a change to a credit rating for a followed Supplier.

Notifications are shown ordered by date, most recent first. Click on the ellipsis next to a Notification and then the cross icon to dismiss it. For each Notification you will see the name of the Supplier, a description of what has triggered it, the type of Notification and the date received. Clicking on the eye icon from the ellipsis will take you to the relevant Supplier Profile.

View All Notifications

Click View All Notifications (or Notifications in the main menu) to browse your Notifications in a full screen list. The table can be sorted by clicking on column headers and filtered using the control at the top and keyword search.

Manage Notifications

You can adjust your followed items by clicking Manage Notifications (also available by clicking Manage Notifications in the Settings cog menu). Followed Suppliers or Codes can be removed by clicking on the cross icons in the respective tabs.

You can view the different types of notification available to you within the Notification Triggers tab. These cover changes to a supplier’s profile status (eg when their Questionnaire is published), to their credit score, or when there is a change to the suppliers of a followed Code.

Key Metrics

The Key Metrics module gives you an insight into where Suppliers are in the registration, data update and assurance process within your Networks/Communities. This covers the wider Supplier network, beyond those who are fully published and visible in Search.  The statuses displayed range from Invited through to Published.

  • Total: This counts not only published Suppliers visible in Search, but also those who have not started, or are part-way through, their registration and qualification process.
  • Invited: The number of suppliers invited to join the Network/Community and have yet to start their registration.
  • In Progress: Those who have started their first subscription with Achilles but have either not yet submitted their Questionnaire for the first time, or have pending issues to address prior to resubmission.
  • Submitted: These Suppliers have started their first subscription with Achilles and have submitted their Questionnaire for publication for the first time. Their questionnaires are now undergoing validation by Achilles.
  • Published: These Suppliers have a valid subscription and their Questionnaire has been published within the last 12 months. They will be visible in Search. Note that while the overall Questionnaire may be published, there may be elements within such as certificates that are out of date. You can see these highlighted when viewing the Questionnaire. When Suppliers’ subscriptions are no longer valid, they are no longer be visible in Search.
  • Expired: These suppliers had a subscription but have not renewed it, and therefore are expired. They will not be visible in search.
  • Audited: This is the number of Suppliers that either have a valid audit, or an expired audit but still have a published questionnaire. This figure does not contribute to the Total.

Note that if you are a member of multiple Networks/Communities, you should use the Network Switch (crossed lines icon at top of screen) to control which of these are represented in the data.


Updated on 2nd August 2022

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